Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Bits of Nonsense and A Lie

I just finished my economics final. It was fairly easy. I feel like I did well.

That scares me.

Because whenever I feel like I did well on a test, I usually have done horribly. And if I feel I've done horribly, I usually get an A. 

But if you remember my first post, I'm not allowed an opinion anymore.

On another topic, I'm sick of people lying to me. This year has gone pretty well. I've some amazing new friends, I've had some great days. Overall, it's gone quite well. And I've had some issues but I've pretty much avoided confrontation and drama with people. But I've noticed things have gone well because I haven't been calling people out. SO many people are lying to me this year. I am fine if you have an opinion separate of mine, or just don't want to hurt my feelings. But don't LIE to me. Because I've found out. And I'm sure it's because you don't want to hurt my feelings but trust me. It hurts more to find out you've been lied to. And if people are lying to me and I DON'T find out? Then I'm stuck thinking people are all fine. And then it just builds and eventually everyone explodes. If you had just told me in the first place, we'd be okay.

By the way, this isn't directed at anyone in particular. It's been happening all my life. So that's that. Let's play a game.


1: I am sick of certain people.

2. I don't think I'm getting into college.

3. There's a mouse in this room.

Can you guess which is the lie?

1 comment:

  1. 2, didn't you already get in to Fullerton?

    ticat-a cat flavored Tic Tac
