Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Don't Know,

It just might work. 

Williams is being amazing and letting us use the MIA (Maya? Miyah? M.I.A? I don't know) curriculum to learn the most amazing animation software EVER next semester. Which is cool and all, but it brings me to this thought:

Next semester is soon.

Very soon. 

That scares me, a lot. Because I have these classes:
Marine Science
Gothic Literature
and Late Start.

And that's a lot. And my college career depends WHOLLY on chemistry, which is hard enough, but furthermore, I didn't take first semester, so I'm going off NOTHING. 

I'm concerned for my well being.
If I don't get into Chapman, my plan is to go to Chico. But if I don't do well in Chem, I can't even go to Chico. That puts me at OCC.

Now, there's nothing wrong with OCC, it's a great school, and it has the top transfer rate in the country.

But it also means I'm a year, if not more, behind on what I really want to be doing. Which is advertising at Chapman. 
Anyone know a good chemistry tutor?

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