Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Why the hell did you have to come today?
Today. Of all days. In fact, I pray year-round that we'll have rain. And the one day I need it to be rains.
We're shooting the car scene today. Which means the actors get to run through the forest and my car is driven over rough terrain.

But because it's raining, that means the actors get to slip in mud and my car gets water and dirt and mud everywhere. Plus, all our equipment can't get wet! 
After school I'm going to lunch with Allison, and then yogurt land. And then stopping by my house to get blankets, flashlights, and anything else that might be useful for tonight's shoot. When the shoot's over, we're staying over at my place, and Friday we'll be at Trevor's all day to finish building the set. I don't know what's happening Saturday or Sunday. But hopefully some relaxing will be involved. I'll try to just finish my scenic model.

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