Monday, April 13, 2009

Number Crunching.

NINE things about yourself:

1. The obsession (tv show, band, etc.) I live for and worship for all of time changes once every few months, regardless of how much I say it means to me at the time.
2. The two exceptions to that rule are The Used (favourite band) and Doctor Who/Torchwood (favourite tv show)
3. I've never broken a bone.
4. My messenger bag is my canvas. It's been an ongoing project since freshman year.
5. I can't stand cheap pens.
6. You can't see my bright green walls, which I originally painted to use as green screen, because they're all covered, literally, covered, with band and Torchwood posters.
7. I feel naked without my keys on a loop attached to my belt loop.
8. I'm extremely silly, and extremely serious. 
9. I'm not straight edge. But I'm not crazy either. I just exist and hey, if there's mimosa, I'll have mimosa. 

EIGHT ways to win my heart:

1. Eyes, they have to be amazing. I'm a HUGE sucker for eyes.
2. Polite. Manners are important.
3. Be able to be both silly and serious.
4. I'm a nerd. If you're with me, you're probably some sort of nerd, too.
5. I'm big on cuddling. I like to cuddle.
6. Music = key.
7. Show me you love me in ways other than saying it.
8. Sometimes, I pay for dinner.

SEVEN things that cross my mind a lot:

1. I shouldn't be doing this right now, I should be studying.
2. Whatever my current obsession is.
3. I'd rather be in my bed.
4. I'd rather be in the ocean.
5. My best friends.
6. I'm so broke.
7. I love you.

SIX things you do before you go to bed:

1. Take off my class ring, french knot ring, and glasses.
2. Drink a glass of milk.
3. Pack my bag for the next day.
4. Brush my teeth.
5. Straighten my hair.
6. Read or talk to people.

FIVE people who mean a lot:

1. Lindsey
2. Allison
3. Daphne
4. Whatever man I'm currently obsessing over. (Currently: Gareth David-Lloyd)
5. My family.

FOUR things you're wearing right now:

1. blue tank
2. ochsa boxers
3. black lace up high top zebra print converse things
4. my rings

THREE songs that fit your life perfectly:

1. pieces mended- the used
2. what about us- john barrowman
3. mr blue sky- electric light orchestra

TWO things you want to do before you die:

1. meet every man i've ever been obsessed with (allison: duude)
2. find a true bliss to follow.

ONE confession:

1. I have no shame in how deeply my life runs on twitter.

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