Sunday, April 12, 2009

BEDA 12: About Me

Okay, as a general announcement: It most certainly is Easter Sunday. I'm not blogging about that, so let's get that one out of the way. EASTER IS TODAY. Okay, done.

TODAY is going to be all about ME.
Because I'm that kind of conceited. 
No, JK.

But it is just going to be a brief overview of who I am, in weird circumstances. In 20 bulletpoints.

1. I face away from the showerhead when I shower.
2. I think the concept of plastic water bottles that you buy is SO dumb.
3. I have best friends in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Manchester (England), and Victoria (Australia). 
4. Jesus is my homeboy.
5. Ianto Jones is my homoboy. ^_^ I love him so much.
6. Blue Gillespie would be a much better band if Gareth actually sang.
7. But I still love them to pieces, anyway.
8. I am kind of anal about clothes, I am never completely comfortable if I don't have a tight but thin colored wife beater, like from Hollister or something, under my t-shirt.
9. I am desperately searching for a way to make sure my guitars fit at my dorm.
10. I'm considering buying two hard cases, rather than bringing my guitar stand that holds both of them.
10. My amplifier won't be a problem because it's a bit bigger than a shoebox.
11. The Doctor is the wittiest thing on the planet. 
12. Seriously, if you think I mean a physician, get off this page.
13. I'm talking about the long running scifi show on the BBC.
14. And Torchwood? Even better. <3
15. I go through phases of obsession. 
16. But The Used always have been and always will be my favourite band.
17. If you didn't notice before, I spell things the English way. 
18. And I often say British slang. A lot.
19. i.e: Oi, adding 'yeah?' to the end of a question, saying 'ello and 'ey, and saying bloody (blank) often.
20. And I am perfectly fine with who I am.

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