Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA Numero Dos

Today was a good day. Granted, it's only 1:37 PM, and whenever I say it's going to be a good day, or has been a good day, it usually ends up being ridiculously shitty.

But I have faith in today. I woke up late, swore, and pulled on pants as I walked out the door. I didn't do my hair, or makeup, and I felt groggy. 

But our marine science trip was great. We went to the tidepools, right by my house, and WOW I am such an un-interesting person. I'm reading this now and saying, Caitlin, this is not how you want to do this. Blog Every Day April does NOT mean ramble about your day. Let's do this and let's do this right:

Time for religious views!!

I belong to a Presbyterian church. I do not take the Bible literally, and most members of my church believe in evolution. But my faith is much different. 
I have serious trouble fathoming the idea that there is a big all-powerful man above us waving a magic wand granting us all our prayers. I believe that Jesus was a great man. He did a lot for the people and I want to live by his example. I do not sit at night praying to my God and asking that he grant me wishes. I sit at night praying to myself, trying to instill in myself the personal faith that I can live as Jesus did. 

Ooh, that was good. I might use that for my faith statement.

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