Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BEDA 21, 22

Goooooooooooood afternoon, Campers!

Okay, if that rings a bell to you, I apologise. OCHSA is fracking amazing for him.

Didn't go to school because of STAR testing being completely useless, which I don't mind one bit. This will be short. I'm boring. Once I have something to talk about, I will.

Monday, April 20, 2009

BEDA 15,16,17,18,19,20

FUCK. Sorry, guys. I've been super busy trying to avoid failing school, which is really damn hilarious considering right about now I should e taking notes, but am instead catching up on FAILING at blogging. Basically: Britney Spears. Went to see her last night. She is fantastic. The P&D was fucking amazing, and not stoned!!!! YAY! This one will be rather short because I have better things to do, like watch my new obsession. DOLLHOUSE. Yay. Joss Whedon is a god. Moving on: woooooh I'm hyper and I love my life and I'm not gonna graduate high school!!!!! Kthxbai.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BEDA 14: Not About Me

I was looking through the Number Crunching blog, and realised this. 

The NINE things about myself, is double the size of EIGHT ways to win my heart.
Which made me think about that... One less number, half the size. Does that mean I care too much about myself and I'm won over easily? Or does that mean I know myself well and I can quickly and bluntly place down what I want in a relationship? 

Thought I had a good idea of who I was, and I guess I do. But now I really need to focus on what I mean as a person. 

BEDA 13: On the 14th

Okay so it's like, 1:11 am on the 14th. So still the 13th, in my book. Not late. Shut up.

I really want to graduate high school. But at this rate, I don't think it's happening. 
I need to get back on it. Seriously. Apologies for the lack of interesting content. It's late.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Number Crunching.

NINE things about yourself:

1. The obsession (tv show, band, etc.) I live for and worship for all of time changes once every few months, regardless of how much I say it means to me at the time.
2. The two exceptions to that rule are The Used (favourite band) and Doctor Who/Torchwood (favourite tv show)
3. I've never broken a bone.
4. My messenger bag is my canvas. It's been an ongoing project since freshman year.
5. I can't stand cheap pens.
6. You can't see my bright green walls, which I originally painted to use as green screen, because they're all covered, literally, covered, with band and Torchwood posters.
7. I feel naked without my keys on a loop attached to my belt loop.
8. I'm extremely silly, and extremely serious. 
9. I'm not straight edge. But I'm not crazy either. I just exist and hey, if there's mimosa, I'll have mimosa. 

EIGHT ways to win my heart:

1. Eyes, they have to be amazing. I'm a HUGE sucker for eyes.
2. Polite. Manners are important.
3. Be able to be both silly and serious.
4. I'm a nerd. If you're with me, you're probably some sort of nerd, too.
5. I'm big on cuddling. I like to cuddle.
6. Music = key.
7. Show me you love me in ways other than saying it.
8. Sometimes, I pay for dinner.

SEVEN things that cross my mind a lot:

1. I shouldn't be doing this right now, I should be studying.
2. Whatever my current obsession is.
3. I'd rather be in my bed.
4. I'd rather be in the ocean.
5. My best friends.
6. I'm so broke.
7. I love you.

SIX things you do before you go to bed:

1. Take off my class ring, french knot ring, and glasses.
2. Drink a glass of milk.
3. Pack my bag for the next day.
4. Brush my teeth.
5. Straighten my hair.
6. Read or talk to people.

FIVE people who mean a lot:

1. Lindsey
2. Allison
3. Daphne
4. Whatever man I'm currently obsessing over. (Currently: Gareth David-Lloyd)
5. My family.

FOUR things you're wearing right now:

1. blue tank
2. ochsa boxers
3. black lace up high top zebra print converse things
4. my rings

THREE songs that fit your life perfectly:

1. pieces mended- the used
2. what about us- john barrowman
3. mr blue sky- electric light orchestra

TWO things you want to do before you die:

1. meet every man i've ever been obsessed with (allison: duude)
2. find a true bliss to follow.

ONE confession:

1. I have no shame in how deeply my life runs on twitter.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

BEDA 12: About Me

Okay, as a general announcement: It most certainly is Easter Sunday. I'm not blogging about that, so let's get that one out of the way. EASTER IS TODAY. Okay, done.

TODAY is going to be all about ME.
Because I'm that kind of conceited. 
No, JK.

But it is just going to be a brief overview of who I am, in weird circumstances. In 20 bulletpoints.

1. I face away from the showerhead when I shower.
2. I think the concept of plastic water bottles that you buy is SO dumb.
3. I have best friends in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Manchester (England), and Victoria (Australia). 
4. Jesus is my homeboy.
5. Ianto Jones is my homoboy. ^_^ I love him so much.
6. Blue Gillespie would be a much better band if Gareth actually sang.
7. But I still love them to pieces, anyway.
8. I am kind of anal about clothes, I am never completely comfortable if I don't have a tight but thin colored wife beater, like from Hollister or something, under my t-shirt.
9. I am desperately searching for a way to make sure my guitars fit at my dorm.
10. I'm considering buying two hard cases, rather than bringing my guitar stand that holds both of them.
10. My amplifier won't be a problem because it's a bit bigger than a shoebox.
11. The Doctor is the wittiest thing on the planet. 
12. Seriously, if you think I mean a physician, get off this page.
13. I'm talking about the long running scifi show on the BBC.
14. And Torchwood? Even better. <3
15. I go through phases of obsession. 
16. But The Used always have been and always will be my favourite band.
17. If you didn't notice before, I spell things the English way. 
18. And I often say British slang. A lot.
19. i.e: Oi, adding 'yeah?' to the end of a question, saying 'ello and 'ey, and saying bloody (blank) often.
20. And I am perfectly fine with who I am.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

BEDA 11: Kids.

I hate kids.

I really really do. I've got no interest in them. They're messy,
and gross
and immature
and stupid
and poop everywhere.

I don't like kids at all.

But I've decided that I'm going to marry a Welsh man, and have a beautiful Welsh wedding.
(in Wales, of course)
And we'll live happily ever after. A Welsh happily ever after. And one day. If I want kids. By some weird, random chance...
I'm adopting. 
Two beautiful Welsh baby boys.
Everett and Owen.
But not O-win, like the American pronunciation. 
O-WEN. Like the real pronunciation. 


Friday, April 10, 2009

BEDA 10: Caitlin

has a 7 page paper for her Gothic Lit class due in three days. Kthxbai.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


New friends are bomb.
Today was great, I had fun role playing. Went down to the cove and sat in the shade. Got a pretty ring.

Made a new friend. An English friend. And got a nickname. This entry is going to be rather short.

My first ever English friend, and a nickname, in one day. I like this girl. XP

Night all.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BEDA 8: The 21st Century

is when everything changes.

And the gays are ready.

Vermont passed gay marriage. That's news. 
We were discussing it yesterday over margaritas (SO gross), and my Aunt says to the table: Cheers Queers! And My aunt, my mother, and me. 

My two aunts (gay) laughed, along with my mother and my other aunt. But why was I excluded? 

I'm not sure what I am, though I can say I'm a bit brave for putting this out there. S'just, no one really knows yet. Of course, I'm not telling people because I'm not quite sure yet. Could be straight. Could be gay. Could be Jack. I have no idea, just yet.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Okay I'm not even going to try and excuse the number mix up of the past few days. I'm just starting fresh. Seven. Here I am, still in Mexico. So what am I going to blog about? Psh. Role playing.

I very much enjoy it. I play two very popular characters in a very popular tv show and I'm not going to tell you who or what because then people would know who I am which would be bad. But I do. Okay and instead of 'but', I just wrote 'btu'. Sounds like a lame AIM acronym. What would BTU stand for? But the ukulele! Bed under Well that doesn't make much sense. 

Anyway, RP is the best thing in the world and I have so much fun doing it. It's like, I've always wanted to be involved in a tv show. And here I am. I swore I'd never get into role playing but it's kind of like, not as bad as I thought. I thought it was for complete anti-socials. But it's really quite social. And at least I'm not forgetting to pee because I'm spending all my time on WoW. At least it's not that bad...


Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEDA 3 and 4

Sorry. I'm without internet sometimes here. My dad just set a fucking time limit on my computer. So I can 'go out and enjoy Mexico'. But the thing is, I don't really like Mexico. I don't like going outside and tanning. I don't like going on long jogs. I don't like grocery shopping in another language. 

Which made me realise, I'm a horrible person. I like to stay inside and hang out on the internet. I like to eat comfort food, not try anything new. I like my comfort zone, I don't live on the edge.

I should do that. I don't mean going out and trying heroin just for shits, or going and jumping off a cliff cuz it's edgy. But I mean trying new shit. Just not heroin or anything like that.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I got the big package in the mail yesterday. The big one. The kind of envelope you wait for your whole life. 

Right after I made my $1000 deposit on another school. See I didn't think I'd get in to the big package school. So I kind of ruled it out. Now I'm not so sure, because I feel like the school I'm enrolled in is better for me, but I should go to the big package one, because it's a more established university.

But sometimes small things come in big packages. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA Numero Dos

Today was a good day. Granted, it's only 1:37 PM, and whenever I say it's going to be a good day, or has been a good day, it usually ends up being ridiculously shitty.

But I have faith in today. I woke up late, swore, and pulled on pants as I walked out the door. I didn't do my hair, or makeup, and I felt groggy. 

But our marine science trip was great. We went to the tidepools, right by my house, and WOW I am such an un-interesting person. I'm reading this now and saying, Caitlin, this is not how you want to do this. Blog Every Day April does NOT mean ramble about your day. Let's do this and let's do this right:

Time for religious views!!

I belong to a Presbyterian church. I do not take the Bible literally, and most members of my church believe in evolution. But my faith is much different. 
I have serious trouble fathoming the idea that there is a big all-powerful man above us waving a magic wand granting us all our prayers. I believe that Jesus was a great man. He did a lot for the people and I want to live by his example. I do not sit at night praying to my God and asking that he grant me wishes. I sit at night praying to myself, trying to instill in myself the personal faith that I can live as Jesus did. 

Ooh, that was good. I might use that for my faith statement.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BEDA McOne-er-cakes

Translation: First entry in Blog Every Day April, also known as BEDA. 

Today, if you weren't aware, was April Fools. We went to the lighting classroom, and hung gel from the ceiling, and then strung Christmas lights around the scaffold, and then hung a wrench RIGHT in front of the door at head level, next to a big sign that said HEAD! We also drew chalk bodies on the floor and threw paper airplanes all around. 

For Captain Cook we filled his office with pirate gear, and for Sprek we're doing Sprek's Chex cereal. 

I'm a bit overwhelmed with schoolwork, and playing TWO characters online. I'm a geek. I've also been living solely on pringles, brie, crackers, peanuts, and cherry vanilla soda. I'm a sick human.